We make the learning & working environment one!

In-company training sessions are meant to help you achieve more within your work environment. There is no better place to learn than your own workspace. Here, you can apply everything you learn directly.

With our programs and training sessions, we focus on your personal development, efficiency, job satisfaction, and your environment.

Explore our programs
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Finding the right balance so that ambitions become reality.

We are engaged with the ambitions of your organization and help to achieve them. We do this by actively connecting all layers and ensuring good communication within your organization. This way, the process always runs smoothly!

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Turn myself around

In addition to classroom sessions, we also offer an online Moodle learning environment!"

In addition to lessons, you can also work on self-improvement at home or at work.

  • On mobile, tablet, and desktop!
  • Separate environments for managers and students
  • Easily track your progress
  • We tailor an organic program for you
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Drawing of a phone
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With our unique cockpit, you’ll know exactly what’s happening in your organization!

Training multiple teams simultaneously? No problem! With our cockpit, we track progress per individual, team, or department in detail.

  • Department heads gain insight into the work performed
  • Perfect for larger teams & multiple programs
  • Proactive and practice-oriented visualization
  • Solution-oriented with immediate results in the workplace

Time to experience our working method in your environment!

  • Personal Effectiveness

    The most confronting module. We set the baseline from a business and behavioral perspective. Where are you, what do you want, what will you do? Are you measuring or just suspecting?

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  • Conversation Techniques

    As a department director, you should be able to conduct every conversation yourself. Maybe not immediately, but certainly in the long run. From cradle to grave: you hire people yourself, train them, develop them, ensure they become as good as yourself, and if they want to leave, say goodbye without hassle.

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  • Your Team

    We analyze your team based on experience, age, role definition, behavior, ambition, knowledge, etc. But also on learning psychological themes: pro-reactive, learning style, task orientation, etc. And then we’ll create a framework for where you can grow and who can learn or do what.

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  • Leadership

    We examine and assess your leadership style using various instruments (for enthusiasts: Leary, Hersey and Blanchard, Kurt Lewin, competing values, Insights, etc.). Once you have experienced all of this, we conduct an analysis and develop a plan. “Know Yourself” is the motto of this module.

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Ready to take your team to a new level?