Higher management

Higher management program.

We elevate the organization and the student to a higher level. Various modules are concluded with assessment moments and practical applications measured by the management."

  • Your background: Academisch / Higher Professional Education
  • Target: Elevating the level of the student and the organization
  • Processing time: 1,2 year(46 Half-days)
  • Topics: Strategy, customer, internal, learning, and growth
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Middle management

Middle management program.

Raising the level of the student and the organization

  • Your background: Higher Professional Education (HBO) / Intermediate Vocational Education (MBO) / Pre-vocational Secondary Education Plus (VMBO+)
  • Target: Raising the level of the student and the organization
  • Processing time: 1 year (18 days)
  • Topics: Personal development, team, leadership, conversation tactics, improvements
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Operational management

Operational management program.

We elevate the organization and the student to a higher level. Various modules are concluded with assessment moments and practical applications measured by the management.

  • Your background: Intermediate Vocational Education (MBO) / Lower Vocational Education (LBO)
  • Target: We elevate the organization and the student to a higher level.
  • Processing time: 9 months (12 days)
  • Topics: Personal effectiveness, conversation tactics, leadership, improvement, team
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Some modules from our programs.

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With our unique cockpit you know exactly what is going on in your organization!

With this cockpit you control the organization yourself. You get to see all the meters and figures every morning. Deviations are resolved with action plans. And yes… every department is present. On time and documented.

  • Department heads gain insight into the work performed
  • Perfect for larger teams & multiple programs
  • Proactive and practice-oriented visualization
  • Solution-oriented with immediate results on the work floor

Get in touch with TURMA.

Fill out the contact form and we will get back to you shortly. For urgent inquiries, you can call +31653892427.

  • Theo Peeters
  • Juul Peeters
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